Find the Zen........

Find the Zen........

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ice Lanterns

What A nice gift I received the other day.
A fellow Ninja brought me Ice Lanterns she made for my birthday.
not only that she gave me the D.I.Y kit as well. so I thought I would Share it with you enjoy.

Step 1 Get BIG can and Smaller can ( About the same height)

Step 2 Fill the outer can about 3/4 of the way full
then put the thinner can inside the wider can
displacing the water to the top of the big can.
Place a weight like a rick or a chunk of fire wood
on top to keep the thinner can from floating.
got it? good now FREEZE it over night.

After it freezes you can run it under a little hot water
 and it will slide out.
Slide the inner can out as well,
now you have an Ice cylinder.
You can freeze ANYTHING into the mold
to add interest.
She also made one the same way but packing it with snow,
Which we found EZ to carve into, Check em out.

Oh What a Night

 The day after
this is what we found.
I hope you have fun with this....
                                                         We Did
Peace In Y'all

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